Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nick is Swinging in to Being Four!

We are very excited about another birthday for Nick. Time flies almost as fast a Spiderman down Broad
way! It was a great birthday today and we had a lot of fun. Best wishes for the Birthday Boy!

Nick, Emma, Bishop Bob and Mary Lou 



Theme: Spiderman with a little Dooly & the Snort-snoot



One, two, tree, Blow!


All the monkeys in the zoo, send their best regards to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to YOU!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the big man! Love, Aunt Heidi

Grandma Nell said...

We knew it was your birthday but since we will be there next Saturday we will wish you a happy birthday in person. Can you do the spiderman again? We are happy that you are such a wonderful boy.
Do you have any special request that we could bring you?
Grandma and Grandpa Morgan

Karen said...

Wow! You're getting old! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Nick!

Brooke and Ben said...

Happy Birthday Nick!!

I still remember when you were born. It was right when Ben and I got married. What a cute little guy! You have survived Emma putting you under the couch for a little more peace and quiet and if you can survie are definately SPIDER MAN!

We love you!
Ben Brooke Scout and Boston

Johanna said...

Happy Late Birthday! You are growing up so fast! Hope your day was super great!
Love ya,
Johanna and Ryan