Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well, bass-ically it's your birthday, Christopher

No need to sing or play the blues when you have so much to celebrate, Christopher. Have an awesome birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Christopher. You are an amazing person. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

We were so excited when you were born. We are looking forward to seeing all the wonderful things you will do with your life. You are almost missionary age and are on the right track to being a good one. Happy Birthday and many more.

Johanna said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with fun surprises!

elisha said...

Happy b-day. Now you are an adult and make adult decisions. Tell me when you are around and I will leave town!!! Just kidding. Calvin says happy birthday too and he misses your guts.

Karen said...

It's always nice to have your guts missed. Hope your birthday was really great!