Saturday, December 20, 2008

Congratulations, Gigi!

Thank Heaven for little girls . . . .

How exciting that amid all the festive Christmas preparations, we get to have yet one more reason to celebrate!  What a rock you have been to your immediate family and ours.  I hope that you will have an incredible day and that this coming year is one of hope and promise.

Happy Birthday, Gigi!!!


Karen said...

Happy birthday, Gigi! What a girl!

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome aunt!!!!
I love you!

elisha said...

Happy Birthday Gigi. Hope it is a great one!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. You are the coolest.


Brooke and Ben said...

Happy BIRTHDAY!!! We hope your day is a great one! We admire your strength, kindness, and ability to be happy. We love you!