Sunday, November 23, 2008

Feliz, Robin

If Ben Franklin was right stating that the only certain thing in this world is death and taxes, what do we bump into on the way? I gues it happens to even the best of us, eh? Not to ruin anyones dreams. . .
Another thing is certain, we are all glad to have you in the family and we wish you many more happy birthdays!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Robin. I am glad you are taking such good care of Tony. He would be lost without you :)

Grandma Nell said...

We agree with Heidi. The best thing that ever happened to him was you. By now you may have learned our birthday wishes are not always prompt, but we do want you to have a happy life and enjoy the paths you take.
We love you
Nell and Wes

Kathy Morgan said...

We don't see each other often, but when we do I always enjoy a delightful time. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

Karen said...

Happy, happy birthday.. to you, as the Primary song goes!

Andrea, Maria and James said...

Hi Robin!!!

I hope you had a fun birthday surrounded by your great kids. You are a wonderful, fun mother. We love you. Andrea

Anonymous said...