Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ross, it's your Birthday

From one Ross to another, Happy Birthday. I hope it is a "Supreme"-ly happy one for you. You are such a "Wiz" that "There Ain't No Mountain High Enough" to compare how much we think of you. I understand that part of your pear tree blew down. I have a nice "Mahogany" sapling that you could replace it with. "Do you know Where you're Going To" go for dinner to celebrate? I hope you remember to bring your camera to capture that "One Shining Moment" where you blow out your candles and make a wish. Don't blow so hard that you fall back and "Upsidedown". Live it up and "Surrender" to frivilous abandon your Birthday!!!

"Missing You,"



Anonymous said...

yay! I am the first person! Well, happy b-day!!!!

Emerson said...

Happy Birthday, Ross!

Kathy Morgan said...


Happy BD...this is quite a milestone. I should let you know that I was once told by a complete stranger that 40 to 70 are the bests years of your life. So get out there and ENJOY!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Ross.

Karen said...

K Morgan's stranger lied, your best years are actually behind you, it is only downhill from here. There is no hope for you, old guy!

Sorry to hear about your birthday.
(Tee hee hee)

Grandma Nell said...

We were going to call Wednesday and wish you happy birthday then realized it wasn't until the next day. Guess What? We forgot to do it. But we are happy you were born and married our daughter and that you are such a good Dad to your kids. We do miss seeing you and hope you are enjoying being 40. The best years aren't behind you, they are in front of you and even get better after 70, Wes and I know.

Nell and Wes

elisha said...

Happy Birthday uncle

Andrea, Maria and James said...

HI Ross,

I hope you are having a bundle of fun with your little babies...and your beautiful wife. Happy Birthday!