Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Mmmm, nothing like Hello Panda Cookies and Pocky Sticks. I love World Market! I will have to buy some tomorrow and have a moment in honor of your birthday.

Glad that Grandma discovered my oversight. While this is now a belated birthday, I hope the genuineness of the wish is in no way diminshed.
Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu, Raleigh!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on another year! I hope you are doing great.

elisha said...

Hey cousin. It's been a long time! I hope things are going splendidly, you old fart!

Grandma Nell said...

Raleigh, we do love you and should keep better track of you. We have a few reasons but they would sound like poor excuses. In this day and age we know you are a great asset to the New York crowd and action.
Grandma and Grandpa
(I really forged his name as he is taking a nap. We were up early and made a trip to Gunnison for some rough cut lumber for the cabin project. However, I know he loves you very much as he enjoyed you when you stayed with us and when you were at Snow College. We were both pleased with you being the first grandchild to serve a mission. What a great example!!!!!)

Emerson said...
