Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Its Carl's Birthday!

I sat in Midtown, and looked at the sky, and as I lay there a Carl flew by. . .

Sorry, I just read A Fly Went By to Nicholas. A WONDERFUL 1950s classic for the kiddos.

I am almost ready to fly through the Streets of Atlanta on Thanksgiving Day.

Happy Birthday to me!



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Carl. Thanks for keeping up with this. I am much more aware of birthdays. Thanks for being such a nice, thoughtful, smart, kind brother.

Karen said...

Good luck on the marathon in Atlanta and the general marathon of life! Happy Birthday!

Grandma Nell said...

Hey, thanks to you I think I have mastered this blog thing. So now I can wish people in the family happy birthday. I can even do so tomorrow for Ben and apologize for past lack of wishes, especially to Raleigh.

What a birthday for you. If you want to be like Jack Benny, you can stay 39 the rest of your life, only you will have to learn to play the violin like he did.

You too are fulfilling a wonderful destiny, especially the part of your blessing given to you by your father that you would be a comforter. Happy Birthday Love Mom and dad

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Jäg älskar dig och är glad du är min!


elisha said...

Hey! A definite happy birthday to you. You are so great to keep this going. What a good uncle you are! Good luck running. We are all proud of what you are doing.

Brooke and Ben said...


We are jealous of your licence plate in Alabama.. . .IT is awesome!! Not that it has anything to do with wishing you a very happy birthday! We are also jealous that you can run better than we can. Congrats and good luck!! :)

Andrea, Maria and James said...

Dear Carl,
A kind husband, a joyful father, a generous brother, and a "comforting" son--you are one great guy. Happy Birthday!!
