Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't get all tied up, its your Birthday, Chris

Chris, since we're twins, I will keep the "Fly" theme to your birthday greeting too (see below).

But since we live so far apart, I hope you will have double the fun on my account.

Happy Birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Chris. Our family's lives are far apart, but my thoughts are always with you.

Karen said...

Hope you get some time to go fishing or hunting or some outdoor fun! Happy Birthday.

Grandma Nell said...

If there was a statue of Moroi and his title of liberty. You have always been ready to fight for the right even though it has been difficult. We are proud of you and know great things are yet to come in your life.

Mom and Dad

Grandma Nell said...

Well I should have previewed the message. The man is Moroni so let's start again.
If there was a statue that reminded me of you it would be Moroni and the title of liberty. You have always been a leader and ready to fignt for the right even though it has been difficult. We are proud of you and know great things are yet to come into your life. Love Mom and Dad

elisha said...

YEAH TO CHRISTOPHER! Happy birthday uncle dude.

Brooke and Ben said...


Happy Happy Birthday! We hope this year brings wonderful things!

Andrea, Maria and James said...

Hi Chris,

I hope you are enjoying the lovely Fall outdoors of Utah. Happy Birthday! We think of you often and love you,