Sunday, July 12, 2009

Go Get Him Karen!

I was going to photoshop Tony's face on Lance, but I didn't know if you two kids are still carrying on any friendly velo-sibling rivalries or not. Besides, where you and Lance have beat such great odds against cancer, this seemed more fitting. Here's to AT LEAST 50 more birthdays for a great sister, daughter, mom, and yes, grandma. Go, Go Karen Jo!!! Happy belated birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

Yipee!! Happy birthday! Good luck on the Tour!

Anonymous said...

We should have celebrated while you were here. Now the wishes come too late. We do love you and are happy you came to our family. May the whole week be great! The best is yet to come.
Mom and Dad

Brooke and Ben said...

Happy Birthday!!
We love you so much, and hope that your day was great. How could we ever thank you for all that you have done and are to us. Happy Happy Birthday!

Ben, Scout, Boston and Brooke

karenjo said...

Thanks everyone, and thanks, Carl. I didn't see this until too late. I'm lucky to be old!