Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bryant can drive 55

Bryant, here's to a "CHiP" of the old Block. You have made your dad proud (and your mom, and you brothers and your sisters)! Here's to 55 great years and to another 55 more. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!


Karen said...

55, hmmm. Ok, I won't say anything (you used to be WAY older than me when we were kids, how come we are so close in age now?)

Unknown said...

Carl, How did you know that Bryant is a CHIP's fan? Or Starsky and Hutch, or Miami Vice, or Alias Smith and Jones. I think he might have missed having a crime fighting buddy in his youth. Thanks for your work on the blog. You always come up with fun pictures, too.


Anonymous said...

Are all the shows mentioned oldies or something? The new versions are never the same, neither would a new version of Bryant be the same. He was a joy to our family as they all grew up. Wish he lived closer.
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

I hope your birthday was great.

andrea said...

Happy birthday, Bryant. I am glad you are my brother. I love you, Andrea

Emerson said...

Happy Birthday, pop! Funny, CHiPs is an early memory. Now you've got a chopper of your own. Hope you and the family had a great birthday!