Saturday, March 7, 2009

Greetings from Eight Emmas

Way to Go, Emma! You are great, you'll soon be baptized, because you're eight.  We are so proud of you! 

The name Emma is said to creat a restless, creative nature and a longing for independence.  A person with the name Emma is versatile, musical and artistic; they must have the freedom to express their creative ideas and abilities to be happy.


Unknown said...

Dear Emma,

Congratulations on your birthday and baptism. Have a wonderful year!

--Linda, Bryant, and Jackson

MMorgan said...

Happy Birthday and Baptism Emma. So Exciting! Love, Maflassa (Melissa :))

Brooke and Ben said...

We can't believe you are eight!! Holy Cow!! You have always been such a bright, happy, funny little girl.
Just eight more years and you can drive! I bet Mom and Dad can't wait. :)
This is going to be a great year.
It is so wonderful and special to get baptized.
We love you.

Anonymous said...

This must be a great birthday for you. While we couldn't be to your baptism, we were happy we could be there earlier. May the rest of your life be as happy as today.
Grandma and Grandpa Morgan

Kathy Morgan said...

Emma, Did you know that it is GREAT to be EIGHT? What a lucky girl! I am so happy for you! I am also so proud of you for choosing to be baptized. This is a very special day and I know that Heavenly Father is SO PROUD of you for making such a good choice. Uncle Adrian and I hope that you took some pictures and post them on the website so that all of the family can share in your very special day. We also hope you enjoyed some yummy cake and ice cream too, and we hope you got some very cool presents! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Sending lots of love from Aunt Kathy and Uncle Adrian

Karen said...

Congratulations Emma! What a neat thing to be baptized. That is a time I always remember of my childhood. It was so special.

Love, Karen

Andrea, Maria and James said...

Hello, hello!! Emma we are so proud of you..Keep up the good work and happy birthday. Love, Andrea