Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Tyler's Special Day!

Hey, Tyler! Tell everyone to lighten up . . . . . .its YOUR birthday. Congratulations and best wishes!


Anonymous said...

Hip, hip hurray, it's Tyler's big day!! Happy birthday big guy!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday from emily!

Emerson said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday, Tyler!

Anonymous said...

I am back now, but missed your birthday while I was gone. Happy birthday you cool dude!


Grandma Nell said...

Somehow I have had a hard time following through on things that needed to be done to post a message. I will try here. September and October really blessed the Morgan Family, especially around october 8th and 9th. We were excited to hear from Raleigh even though we didn't wish him the best. Now our thoughts are turned to Chris and Carl, Diana and Ben. I may even bake a cake and sing happy birthday to all of them even if they aren't present. You are all wonderful!!!