Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Zippedy-ay and "Heidi-ho" . . .

Heidi, we were wishing for you long before your birthday, thanks to Hurricane Ike. That way the candles didn't melt all over the cake while we went around one by one to make a wish for you. Best wishes for the beginning of a great year!

Yee-ha! it's Morgan's Birthday!

Morgan, have a high-flyin' good time on your birthday (but don't give your Mom a coronary!). Best wishes, little Brother Wagner!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our hats ar off to you on your birthday, Andrea!! I hope you were able to live it up with your Swing Fever band tonight.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Tyler's Special Day!

Hey, Tyler! Tell everyone to lighten up . . . . . .its YOUR birthday. Congratulations and best wishes!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hau'oli La Hanau, Aaron

Welcome back to the Mainland! Next family reunion, let's do the beach at Westport. Sounds like fun. You can teach us all your moves and how to talk:

"I took off on this bomb of a lefthander, it jacked as it hit the inside bank and the lip chucked right out. It went square dude! Full suck dredging turbo barrel!Any way I get totally shacked spat out of this of this keg when I see some shoulder-hopping kook on a 60s rhino chaser drop in on me. Fortunately the guys a total ho-dad and wipes out.The wave's now bowling hard and I've got plenty of speed so I wack the lip a couple of times, bury the rail for a roundhouse cutty and boom! The whole thing closes out behind me. It was sick - You should have been there - you missed it!"

Happy Birthday . . . .Dude!